Days on the road - 637
Start point Venezuela 15th January 2005, Puerto Cabello.
Ended Sth America section 18th November 2005, Manta - Ecuador
Start point Central America - Panama - 18th November 2005
Ended Central America - Mexico - 20th April 2006
Start point United States - Texas - 21st April 2006
Exit United States - Montana - 19th July 2006
Start point Canada - Alberta - 19th July 2006
Exit Canada - Yukon - 18th August 2006 - to return...
Start point Alaska - Alaska Highway - 18th August 2006
Exit Alaska - Top of World Highway - 9th September 2006
Re Enter Canada - Top of World Highway - 9th Septmber 2006
End Point - Calgary, Canada - 15th October 2006
Countries visited - 18
Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador.
Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize,
Mexico, United States of America, Canada.
States visited - 17
Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma
New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon
Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska
Distance travelled - 82 284 km.
This is overland travel only and does not include
travel by boat down the Amazon and through the Chilean Fjords.
Fuel consumed - 9884 ltrs.
Fuel has been readily available and our longest distance
travelled between fuel fills has been about 550kms.
Money spent on Fuel - US$ 6792.
Fuel prices have ranged from
US$0.01/ltr (Venez) to
US$0.91/ltr (Belize) & US$0.96/ltr (Peru).
US$1.18/ltr Canada!!
Money spent on Repairs, Maintenance and Parts - US$ 7747
Includes cylinder re-sleave with new pistons, rings etc.
New front shocks, 2 new Dunlop tyres, 1 new BF Goodrich tyre,
New Battery, Oil and filter, air filter and other minor bits, surf board rack,
2 new BF Goodrich tyres, full front brake overhaul, rubber bush and welding,
New air filter, rocker gasket, cyclone breather, bushes, brake pads, gaskets.
Useless work done in USA to try fix oil leak and power loss.
Oil seal replacements, 2nd hand Prop shaft, flexi hose, oils
New windscreen & protection wire. 2 New fan belts.
Steering box seals, new brake discs, Re-grease bearings, Oil change in Axles.
Front wheel puncture repair and balancing.
Items donated to lost or stolen or broken -
8 pairs of sunglasses, 1 travel towel, 1 head torch,
1 pair of swimming shorts, 2 camera memory sticks, 1 digital camera,
1 left foot flip flop....joined by right, set of plates & bowls, washing line.
Wild BEAR encounters!! - 46
29 Black Bears - 17 Grizzly
Check out Bear Mania pics
Accidents - 1
Breakdowns - 2
Towed - 2
Pushed - 1
Use of winch/sand ladders - W-4 SL-2
Punctures - 11
Wild camped - 198
Paid camping - 295
4 walls - 133
Afloat - 11