Hi There, welcome to our adventure.
Presented with the opportunity to take time out of our lives to travel
before the next stage of settling Down Under, we sold up, packed up and chose
our destination,The Americas.
To Overland or not?? After extensive research into overland tours
and drawing on personal experiences of travelling with a group of people and
travelling with just the two of us...we opted to go it alone.
Destination and Crew size determined we set about
finding our home for the impending adventure.
Initial spec. was for a Landrover 110, preferably a county
station wagon.
We bought numerous magazines and spent hours surfing the net and phoning around.
It was destined not to be as we always missed out on the vehicles we enquired about.
Then, courtesy of the Landrover Owner International, we found the third member of
our team!!
The Crew!
The Driver (for most part) :- James
The Navigator (female of course) :- Kerry
The Chosen One :- Lodzi